Thursday, November 27, 2014

Giving Thanks

Growing up with an actual newspaper, there were always columnists that I sought out to read. Usually they appeared in the Sport Section of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Lewis Grizzard was, of course, a must read. I read and still read Mark Bradley and Jeff Schultz despite how maddening they can sometimes be. There were others, but one column I always made sure to read was Furman Bisher's Thanksgiving column. Despite our 60 years difference in age, I always thought they were poignant and honest. Now that Mr. Bisher has passed, there is typically a tribute to him in the AJC on Thanksgiving and there are a host of folks who imitate his column. I've used Facebook and my own blog to do my own version in years past but felt it appropriate to do on GRH this year. So here is what I'm Thankful for this year...

I'm Thankful for crisp, fall days that end up in the stadium but begins under a tent or in a parking lot with your closest friends and family pretending to celebrate a football team but really celebrating each other.

I'm Thankful for having the opportunity to watch Todd Gurley in person for 2+ years. I'm not old enough to remember Herschel, but I imagine he's the closest thing I'll get to see to it (Though Nick Chubb may prove me wrong).

I'm Thankful I live in a country where people have the right to protest what they feel is wrong but I'm sad that people choose to utilize that right as an opportunity to commit crimes. I'm also sad that there are some in power who don't remember that people have that right.

I'm Thankful for the briefest of moments, sports reminds me what it is like to be a kid again. Nowhere else am I more hopeful than when my favorite teams take the field and nowhere else am I so crushed at the outcome of a game. 

I'm also Thankful that I'm an adult and don't hold on to those bipolar feelings for too long after a win or a loss.

I'm Thankful for the front porch swing and a head on my shoulder letting me know I'm loved.

(As much as they drive me crazy sometimes) I'm Thankful for two little girls that are giving me an opportunity I've never had before.

I'm Thankful I'm not as attached to my phone and technology as much as other people I see.

I'm Thankful for the opportunity to spend my mid-30s on a college campus as a student and pretend I learned my lesson when I was 21.

I'm Thankful for friends that drag me out when I need to get out.

I'm Thankful for family that allows me to stay home when I've been out with my friends too much.

I'm Thankful for mentors who are not only incredibly supportive but are just as happy to have a beer with you as they are to meet you in their office. 

I'm Thankful for the roar of the crowd.

I'm Thankful for all of the amazing people who grace my life. I was reminded this year that there are no guarantees as to how long this roller coaster lasts but I'm incredibly happy for the other riders that get on and get off the one I'm riding.

I'm Thankful I knew Matt.

Finally, I'm Thankful for second chances. We all deserve them but we don't always get them. Make the most of the times you do. 

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.

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