Tuesday, August 12, 2014

#AskJameis: GRH is the Best

It's been a bad week for publicity people in the eyes of GRH. First off, FSU decided to utilize social media in order to get their biggest celebrity some pub so they asked fans to use the hashtag #AskJameis and ask questions to the reigning Heisman Trophy winner. As you can guess, rather than football, most of the "fans" decided to #AskJameis about what sides he prefers with his crab legs or what kind of butter is best used for dipping. Bad PR move #1. All in all, the only serious question answered was "Which amature sport blog do you follow? #AskJameis" Easy answer there...GRH

However, I am afraid bad PR move #2 is much more serious. After striking and killing a competing racer, someone in Tony Stewart's camp had the fine sense to let the media know whether Tony would be competing in the NASCAR event the following day. I can't make this up; the memo read "Business as usual." Look, I can't say what exactly happened after watching video of Stewart striking and, ultimately, killing the other driver, but anything happening after someone has died on the track like that certainly isn't business as usual. Fortunately, Tony had the good sense to not compete in the race the following day, but still...not classy.

Now on to some thoughts...

1) The New Tiger? - First off, if you didn't watch the PGA Championship, you missed one of the most entertaining golf events of the year (some of you may think that's an oxymoron but it isn't). Low scores, big names, jockeying for position. It was great theater. In the aftermath, I've heard a lot of Rory is the next Tiger talk. Coming from a school where we think the next running back is always the "next Herschel Walker," let me explain the danger in this. Since Herschel left for the USFL in 1983, there have been a slew of the next best things. Even UGA's current Heisman Trophy candidate was dubbed by some the next Herschel. UGA has had some solid running backs: Tim Worley, Rodney Hampton, Lars Tate, Terrell Davis. But, perhaps, the best in that time has been Garrison Hearst. He finished 3rd in the Heisman voting in 1992 and managed to have a pretty stellar collegiate and then pro career. How close was he to Herschel? It's like comparing a lit match to a bon fire. I don't think the comparisons between Rory and Tiger are that disparate but Rory isn't Tiger just like Tiger isn't Jack. What's to say Rory isn't the new Jack? Regardless, of the comparisons, one thing is for certain, every athlete needs to be single. Rory has been ridiculous since calling off the wedding with his famous tennis player fiance and concentrating on golf. Ok, that might be a stretch too. But it's working for him.

2) Seinfeld Predicts the Future - Someone asked me last week if I ever laughed out loud. They told me they could only imagine me with a snarky expression on my face and never really belting out a bust gutting laugh. This is not true. Really funny things make me laugh but to me something that is really funny might be different than what other people find really funny. Most sitcoms do not make me laugh. Seinfeld is one of the exceptions to this rule. All of that to get to this. Seinfeld once had an episode where Elaine was invited to sit in the owners box for a Yankees game. She did and wore an Orioles hat which she was told to remove. Hilarity ensued. It turns out, Kate Upton was told she could not wear a Detroit hat to a recent Yankees game though she was dating Justin Verlander (Detroit pitcher). So, Jerry and Larry got the team wrong, but it still counts as ESP, right?

Kate Upton

3) Where All the Weed At?

The NCAA recently tweeted out this chart showing marijuana use among athletes. Initial thoughts. Obviously, the NCAA is doing a poor job preparing basketball players for the rigors of smoking marijuana when they reach the NBA. 19%, that's a joke right. How are golfers and tennis players smoking more weed than basketball players? Oh yeah, because they have more money. Got it.  I'm guessing 80% of the 24% of football players who smoke pot came from my beloved UGA (I kid because I care). Finally, I had no idea playing Lacrosse involved smoking pot. I suppose it stems from a Native American tradition.

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4) It's Funny because It's Awful - I'll leave you with this if you haven't seen it. The Manning Brothers "rap" (and I use that term loosely) about the new DirectTV Fantasy channel. I've disliked Peyton as a player since he regularly beat the Dawgs while at Tennessee. However, the man has a good sense of humor. He was funny on SNL and this is funny too. It's also nice to see Broadway Joe also has a sense of humor. While the rapping is horrible, that's the point. Eli, way to bust out the look though...

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